Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Why is change so difficult?? The older I get the better I get at it, I think. After what seemed like such a long break, the kids are back at school. I have such mixed feelings.

The week before Christmas we went to Newport with my family. It was so nice!! Lance was off work, and the whole mood was calm. The kids had such a fun time with their cousins. They were so happy. A lot of swimming, hanging out at the beach, playing at Marriott's kids rooms, just time together. My kids are finally at the age where I'm not watching a baby all the time. So nice:) I really enjoyed my sister's kids this time. We don't get much time alone, our two families, it was so nice. Her kids are so fun and keep me laughing! The older I get I realize how much I love & admire my sister. I had such a great time with her, I really felt like I never took the chance, or was at a point in my life to be so thankful for her. The last night we were there we went to the Newport Boat Parade with my sister & her family & my Mom. It was so neat with all the Christmas lights on all the boats. Some had music, which we all loved. What a great way to feel the holiday spirit! Then we spent another night out to eat! YUM!! What a great way to end a fun week.

The rest of vacation was spent getting ready for Christmas, watching movies, playing games, shopping, EATING, being with friends, or just relaxing. We all had a great Christmas:) The kids were all really happy Christmas morning. It is always so much fun as a Mom, I can hardly wait for the morning to arrive!! It was as happy a Christmas as I can remember. Lance cooked such amazing food all day! YUM! I'm so lucky. I love all the traditions Lance puts into place. While he cooks, I can enjoy the kids with their new toys. Such a fun time! One favorite toy this year is Super Mario Bros. on the WII. The whole family plays at the same time. So fun. Also, loved the board game Blokus. No one can beat Madi. But with time & practice, I will. She is so good at games like that, just like Grandma Joann.

Anyways, back to my point, CHANGE. It's nice to have the kids back in school because the house can stay picked up for a MINUTE, they are not bored, we are back in a routine, & it's where they should be. But now it's back to tight schedules, early mornings, and to tell the truth I miss just hanging out with them without watching the clock. I have to re-adjust every time. I don't know which way is better. That's why I'm learning to LIKE change and differences. Yea for me!!

Austin loved his WII game & lightsabers for the WII!!

All Andrew wanted was a Peterson VIKINGS jersey!

Kate loves all her princesses & her new black kitty!

Christmas on Newport Beach with the Gharring cousins.

Kate loves the beach!!

Wonder where Madi is on Christmas day?? At that age where we can't take pictures until made up for the day. What will I do?

Saturday, January 2, 2010

New Years' Resolutions

1.Exercise 3x's a week
2.Be consistent with dinners
3.Be a better photographer/ take more pictures
4.Resume 1 on 1 dates with kids
5.Date night every week with Lance

I have so many, but want to KEEP IT SIMPLE this year. It's easy to make a big list and not follow through. Life seems so busy day to day that the important things like 1 on 1 dates with the kids have been missing. My kids are at such precious ages. All so different. I'm excited for a fresh start!